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The design approach employed by ComNet forequipment mounted within the card cage rack unit(C1-CH) with modular power supply (C1PS), providesfor the elimination of a single-point failure in the eventof a major fault within any module located within thec hassis rack.
This is accomplished through the use ofautomatic electronic current limiting within each rackmountablemodule, rather than providing the currentlimiting within the power supply unit which supports the power requirements for equipment located withinthe rack.
In nearly all competing designs,a major fault within a module, located within the chassis rack,results in the power supply unit going into a current limiting condition, and as a result, all of the moduleswithin the rack shut down.
The rack design employedby ComNet eliminates this possibility, as only thefaulty module shuts down, and the operation of theother modules within the rack continue unimpaired.This automatic current limiting feature is also selfresetting,should the fault or ov erload be of atemporary or intermittent condition.
Furthermore,all modules located within the chassis rack are hotswappable,so that it is not necessary to power-downthe rack when removing or replacing modules.